Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sharing Today!

I have the opportunity to share my breastfeeding journey today on The Girl in the Red Shoes! today. Please check it out.

That being said - I promise to start blogging here more often. Life is starting to calm down a little and I would love to see all of you back here!

Have a great day and let me know what you think of my journey!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Having a Baby. Apparently, it's difficult.

This is my first blog. However, I have avidly read other people's blogs for quite some time and have seen the perfect baby life. Moms on blogs post pictures of their day and apologize for the folded laundry basket in the background. Man, they fold their laundry! That's great.

When I first had my baby, I'm not gonna lie - I felt like he would kind of fold into our lives and our schedule might change a little. Little did I realize that I would actually want my baby to go to bed at 7 pm and wake up at 7 am. Which means that I get home from work, play with my baby for like 5 minutes, and put him to bed at 7, and then eat dinner, do the dishes, clean my house, and try to have a few minutes talking with Brian (or watching Scandal...). 

It's hard. Being a mom is the biggest challenge ever. Sometimes it's rewarding looking at my baby and thinking that I do what I do for him. It's rewarding when we get the time to play and on weekends when we do fun things together and expose him to all of his new adventures. Other times, it doesn't feel rewarding at all. It's a lot of work and the selfish part of me is wondering where time went in that day and why I didn't spend a lot of it with him because I was at work all day long. I don't feel rewarded at the end of a day where we get home late, he cries, and then goes to bed. It doesn't feel "worth it" in those moments.

People say you won't know what it is like to have a baby until you have one. Nothing prepares you for those feelings of extreme guilt, and extreme happiness, and extreme sleep deprivation. Honestly, nothing does. It's such a different world being a parent. It's great and tough and it sucks all rolled into one. But one thing is true: I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

First Post

When writing the first post on a blog, is it obligatory to name it "First Post"?

As a new mom in this crazy world, and as an avid blog reader, I've decided to jump in on this thing and see where it leads.

I often feel that the internet can lead us to believe things that are simply not true about the mom lifestyle: we see pictures of other moms and honestly fall into the lie that we are not good enough. I can't tell you how many times in these past FOUR MONTHS (that's it - four months), I have seen a photo of another child and felt inadequate. A goal of mine is to share the hard truths behind being a mom (to both a human and a dog) and wife so that we can all remember that none of us have it together!

Please join me on this journey!

And to begin...a picture of my family...on a day when my son hated pumpkins.